
Schrier Admits Her Vote Drove Inflation
Keith - Schipper

Washingtonians only have Democrats to blame when it comes to the hidden taxes they’re paying in the form of higher prices.

Don’t just take my word for it; listen to Democrat Rep. Kim Schrier. She admits Democrats’ $1.9 trillion spending spree earlier this year has led to the inflation we’re seeing now.

"We knew that there was a possibility that this could lead to inflation,” Schrier said on a telephone town hall last month. “We all feel it a little bit, that everything feels a little more expensive. On top of that, gas is more expensive." 

Yes, Washingtonians do feel it and not just at the gas pump where prices are the highest they’ve been since 2014. The cost of food, rent, and utilities such as electricity are all up over the last year, while 48 percent of small businesses have been forced to raise their prices.

And as Schrier also admits, she and her Democrat colleagues knew this could happen as economists such as President Obama’s economic advisor warned the spending spree could cause inflation. 

Yet they did it anyway.

Bottom Line: With Democrats pushing $3 trillion in higher taxes and $6 trillion more in spending, whose back will Rep. Kim Schrier have: Washingtonians or Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden’s?

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