
97 Percent Of Arizona Voters Worried About Gas Prices

97 percent of registered voters in Arizona are concerned about the Biden Gas Hike, according to a new poll from OH Predictive Insights released today.
Biden and Arizona Democrats like Mark Kelly, Tom O’Halleran and Greg Stanton sent gas prices skyrocketing to a statewide average of nearly $5. It’s even higher in places like Maricopa County, where the average price for a gallon of regular is $5.28, AAA reports. 91 percent of voters said they think gas prices will go up over the next month in Arizona.
The survey shows 4 in 5 voters also said they were concerned about Biden’s supply chain crisis, which has left many shelves bare. According to the poll, suburban women are especially worried about shortages. For example, baby formula is nearly 87 percent out of stock in Arizona. According to the pollster, “the higher shares of homemakers and upper-income suburban women that are driving overall concern with supply shortages could potentially be explained by the specific shortage of baby formula.”
“As Arizonans get crushed by $5 per gallon gas under the Biden Gas Hike, Arizona Democrats like Mark Kelly, Tom O’Halleran and Greg Stanton are desperately trying to dodge accountability. It won’t work when 97 percent of Arizona voters say they are worried about gas prices.” – RNC Spokesperson Ben Petersen

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