
Anti-Asian Crime Continues Unchecked in Democrat-Run Cities
Nainoa - Johsens

Anti-Asian crime continues unabated in Democrat-run cities. Over Independence Day weekend, a father and his 5-year-old daughter were attacked while visiting deep-blue Portland, Oregon. The attacker was released from jail just hours after the assault took place.

Despite sending a man to the hospital, hitting a 5-year-old child in the head, and yelling anti-Asian slurs, the attacker in Portland walked free because of a new state law backed by Democrats and touted by Governor Kate Brown stipulating criminals “should be released if they do not have a previous assault charge.” The response from the victim on his attacker’s release is clear: “It is not reasonable or acceptable.” When Democrats are in charge, nobody is safe.

Earlier this year, Asian American voters in San Francisco helped recall far-left Democrat District Attorney Chesa Boudin who
attackers to roam the streets. Look for more of the same this November.

“Anti-Asian crime is rampant in Democrat-run cities because of soft-on-crime policies that release violent criminals back onto the street. This is just another unacceptable failure from Democrats who refuse to hold criminals accountable.” - RNC Spokesperson and Director of APA Media Nainoa Johsens

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