
Biden: A hypocritical wannabe tyrant

Joe Biden promised he had a plan to “shut down the virus.” He lied and he failed. Now he wants to shut down businesses.

Biden’s coercive tactics are un-American, unconstitutional, and won’t work to actually get people vaccinated. Biden and his administration conceded as much.

 The reason vaccination rates have stalled is because of Joe Biden.

  • He sowed doubt about the vaccine during the campaign – he never apologized.
  • He lied about who developed the vaccine as president.
  • He insulted Americans with questions about the vaccine.

Now, after he has been exposed as a failure and a liar, he has embraced coercive authoritarian tactics. Here are just a few of the lines from his draconian speech:

You can be pro-vaccine but anti-coercion. This is America. We believe in freedom and personal choice, and we reject hypocritical wannabe tyrants drunk on power and desperately trying to distract from their own failures.

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