
Biden Wants Pro-Life Americans To Fund Abortion
Zach - Parkinson

Joe Biden likes to say “show me your budget, I’ll tell you what you value.” Based off Biden’s standard, he values hypocrisy and forcing Americans to violate their conscience.

Last Friday, breaking with decades of bipartisan precedent, Joe Biden’s 2022 budget called for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment, which protects American taxpayers from being forced to fund abortion.

The Hyde Amendment has been a part of appropriations bills for decades, and every Democrat president since Jimmy Carter has signed funding bills including it. Among the Democrats who said the Hyde Amendment was an important protection was none other than Joe Biden, who voted for it “throughout his Senate career.” Biden repeatedly said that taxpayer funding was wrong and would force Americans to violate their deeply held religious and pro-life beliefs:

  • In 1983, Biden said he could not “understand” how pro-abortion advocates supported taxpayer funding of abortion.
  • In 1994, Biden said pro-life Americans “should not be compelled to pay” for abortion.
  • In 2007, Biden said that taxpayer funding forces pro-life Americans to “accept” abortion.

 Biden would rather be a hypocrite than stand up to the far-left of his own party. Even though polling consistently shows the American people oppose taxpayer funding of abortion, Biden is now embracing this radical pro-abortion policy.

Bottom line: Joe Biden’s budget is an assault on the religious freedom and conscience rights of pro-life Americans.  

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