
Democrat Kirsten Engel Denies Border Crisis

Democrat candidate in AZ-06 Kirsten Engel denied the border crisis is real in a debate last night.

Kirsten Engel denies the border crisis even exists
Engel was asked “Kirsten, does Arizona have an immigration crisis?” and she responded flatly, “No.” Watch the clip here.



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Kirsten Engel won’t oppose ending Title 42
Engel refused to condemn the Biden administration’s move to end Title 42. Asked “Do we keep Title 42?” Engel said, “We can’t keep it forever … I would like to have a plan first but Title 42 is not the answer.”
Kirsten Engel would block the border wall
Asked what kind of border security Engel supports, she refused to answer and instead stated she opposed the border wall. “Certainly not walls. I mean, walls are a 13th century solution to a 21st century problem,” Engel said.
Engel also called for amnesty for illegal immigrants last night.
“Democrat Kirsten Engel is a Biden Border Crisis denier. Engel’s positions are extreme, out of step with Southern Arizonans and out of touch with reality. Her comments are disqualifying in this border district.” – RNC Spokesperson Ben Petersen

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