
"Democrats Are MIA” - Asian Americans Left Behind By Democrats on Crime and Homelessness
Nainoa - Johsens

Democrats continued to hide from Seattle’s Chinatown-International District residents who rallied against a homeless “megaplex” that the Democrats are planning to dump on them without community input. Residents have repeatedly called on Democrats to account for ignoring them.

Once again, Washington State GOP officials showed up to march with and listen to the community’s concerns while there were no Democrat officials in attendance. This shows that Democrats expect Asian American votes without engaging on the issues most important to the community.

“Unlike Democrats, Republicans show up to listen to the concerns of Asian Americans and earn votes. The Asian community has been left behind by Democrats, and in November AAPI voters will leave Democrats behind at the ballot box.” - Nainoa Johsens, RNC Spokesperson and Director of Asian Pacific American Media

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