
ICYMI: RNC and MRP Scores Major Legal Victory in Michigan
Preya - Samsundar

In case you missed it, the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Michigan Republican Party (MRP) successfully defended election integrity laws on the books in the Great Lakes State.
Last week, a federal court in Michigan ruled to protect a state ban on ballot harvesting, absentee ballot application trafficking, and paid busing to the polls. This latest victory in a Michigan vote has been years in the making.
Back in 2020, the RNC and MRP intervened in a lawsuit filed by Priorities USA, a Democrat-aligned PAC that sought to overturn state laws that banned the tracking of absentee ballots, paying individuals to bus voters to the polls, and the trafficking of absentee ballot applications. In last Thursday’s ruling, the courts ruled that the RNC’s arguments to uphold Michigan law were “reasonable,” “nondiscriminatory,” and justified by the state’s “compelling” interests in preserving the integrity of its elections and preventing fraud.
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel celebrated the victory on Twitter Friday as a win for election integrity, promising more legal victories ahead of the midterm elections.


The latest win in Michigan is just one of many victories and countless lawsuits filed across the nation by the RNC as the party seeks to defend and uphold election laws across the country.

Learn more about the RNC’s victory in the Priorities USA v. Nessel case at Protect The Vote.


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