
ICYMI: Stacey Abrams reveals support for no limits on abortions
Garrison - Douglas

In case you missed it, in an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Stacey Abrams revealed that she supports no limits for abortions. Despite 71% of Americans wanting significant limits on abortions and 80% of Americans wanting third-trimester abortions to be illegal, Stacey Abrams placed herself firmly among the most radical of pro-abortion Democrats.

In fact, she's so devoted to her radical position that she announced today that she is pausing her own fundraising campaign to instead raise money for abortion groups across the country. 

Stacey Abrams is too extreme for Georgia, plain and simple. 

"While Georgians are bracing for a recession, Stacey Abrams has made it clear that pushing for no limits on abortions is her top priority. Not only is her position extreme, it will be her downfall this November." - RNC Spokesperson Garrison Douglas

Read more here.

Stacey Abrams says leaked Supreme Court abortion ruling will shape her campaign

Atlanta Journal-Constitution

“Enraged” and “appalled.” Those were the initial words that Stacey Abrams used to describe her reaction to a U.S. Supreme Court draft ruling that leaked Monday night and indicates a majority of justices want to overturn access to abortion rights.

In an interview Tuesday with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, she elaborated on why she found the document “deeply concerning” and why abortion rights will be at the center of her campaign for governor in Georgia.

“This campaign will absolutely lean into and lead on that issue,” the Atlanta Democrat said. “Because if I want to be the governor of one Georgia, that means I’ve got to govern for the women of Georgia. And the women of Georgia by and large agree that their right to choose should not be stripped away from them.”


The AJC asked Abrams whether there were any limitations on abortions that she would support. She said any decisions on how and when to terminate a pregnancy should be left up to women, their doctors and, if warranted, their families. But not elected officials.

“My support of abortion is grounded in the belief that this is not the role of our government, it is not the role of lawmakers,” she said. “It is the responsibility of women and their doctors, women and their families, women and whomever they choose to bring into the conversation, but it is not the conversation for government to be having.”

Read more here.

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