
Mark Kelly Blames Border Problems On White House Politics

Mark Kelly blamed political calculations for Joe Biden's failing response to the border crisis during an interview today. Kelly’s comments are a sign of a fraying relationship between the senator and the Biden administration, which has overseen multiple crises threatening Kelly’s re-election bid.

KTAR pressed Kelly on what happened to his request of Biden to pay for Arizona National Guard troops deployed along the border by Governor Ducey. Kelly dodged repeated questions but admitted “it’s a constant negotiation with this administration on the border” and “politics unfortunately often gets in the middle of things.”

Kelly admitted he speaks regularly with embattled Biden Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who just wrapped up a disastrous border tour last week that “at points devolved into open hostility” with Border Patrol agents, CNN reported. However, Kelly has not yet explained why he avoided appearing with Mayorkas in Yuma.

It’s unclear what benefit these calls are having. Conditions at the border have steadily deteriorated and projections suggest border arrests this spring will be nearly 40 percent worse than last year

What is clear is that Mark Kelly is a poor negotiator with the Biden administration. Kelly has failed to extract any significant border security concessions from Biden. Reading between the lines here, Kelly doesn’t seem to have much sway with the White House.

“Mark Kelly understands the Biden Border Crisis has imperiled his re-election bid, but the White House just doesn’t care. The Biden administration is pressing on with its open borders agenda regardless of the cost to vulnerable Democrats like Mark Kelly.” – RNC Spokesperson Ben Petersen

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