
Poll: Asian Americans Leaving Democrats Behind in Battleground States
Nainoa - Johsens

A recent poll shows that Democrats have seen a steep loss of support among AAPI voters in states with key Senate races. In Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Georgia, Republicans have increased their support among AAPI voters and could be the difference in a close election.

Since 2020, Asian American support for Republicans has increased 9 percentage points, from 34% to 43% in battleground states. Meanwhile, Democrat support among AAPI voters fell 8 percentage points from 61% to 53%, meaning that net support for Democrats has fallen 17 points.

The top issues cited by Asian Americans in the poll are cost of living and the economy. With Joe Biden actively making inflation and gas prices worse, AAPI support of Democrats could tank even further. 

“Joe Biden’s failed agenda is causing Asian Americans to leave Democrats behind. This shift will be a big reason that Republicans take back key House and Senate seats in November.” - RNC Spokesperson and Director of APA Media Nainoa Johsens


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