
The Fetterman Fraud

Pennsylvania Democrat John Fetterman is a fraud. He’s not the “everyman” he portrays himself as. He’s actually been living off his family’s dime his entire life.
According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, Fetterman’s “main source of income” came from an allowance from his parents … not as a kid in his early 20s, but until he was 49 YEARS OLD. Not only that, he “purchased” a $70,000 condo from his sister for $1. Yes. That’s ONE DOLLAR.
How fraudulent is Fetterman? Let’s take a look at one of his ads.

  • Here’s Fetterman lying about being a “blue-collar tough guy” when he’s really had a silver spoon in his mouth throughout his entire adult life.


Fraud, phony, fake … lies through and through. No wonder Fetterman supported Biden’s wasteful spending that led to inflation. No wonder he wants to raise your taxes. He’s lived on handouts almost his entire life.
Fetterman is a fraud. That’s not the type of person Pennsylvanians want in the Senate.
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