
The Republican Point: 5 Takeaways From This Week

In case you missed it, here are five important takeaways from this week:

A New Record In The Already Record-Breaking Border Crisis – With over 2,388,000 illegal crossings, not including “gotaways,” FY 2023 is now the worst year at the border on record, surpassing the previous record set last year – and the Biden administration STILL won’t call it a “crisis.”

A New Republican Mayor – Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson switched to the Republican Party after witnessing the failures of Democrat policies in cities across the country. Be sure to read his op-ed explaining why, in his words, “America’s cities need Republicans.”

Did Menendez Pull A Hunter? – Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez was indicted on federal corruption charges. The indictment includes allegations relating to fancy cars, gold bars, incriminating texts, and interfering in investigations to protect allies. Honestly, it can only remind us of the allegations facing Hunter Biden and the Biden family. And while we are on the subject of the Bidens, maybe they can explain this email, which shows an aide to Sen. Menendez reaching out to Hunter’s business partner to set up a meeting in the VP’s official residence while Joe Biden was vice president.

“Lowering” Costs? – This week, Kamala Harris claimed “we have been lowering the cost of living for so many people.” What? In reality, prices are up 17.4% under Biden and the inflation rate is more than double what it was when Biden took office. In fact, rent is up 16.5%, electricity is up 24.8%, and groceries are up 19.4% since Biden took office.

Taking New York State To Court – The RNC, NRCC, NYGOP, and New York Conservative Party have joined with New York’s Republican congressional delegation to sue Gov. Kathy Hochul and the State of New York for attempting to remove basic safeguards on absentee voting. Read more here.

Here’s the point: This week, Americans suffered through more failures, obstruction, and embarrassment from the Biden administration. Next week, we get to hear from Republicans on the debate stage. Americans are ready for a change.

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