
The Republican Point: Bank Your Vote Phase II Launched!

50 state-specific websites


Political and election integrity staff on the ground in 15 key states


Bank Your Vote resources in 16 different languages


A Bank Your Vote effort that is full steam ahead!

For those that don’t know, Bank Your Vote is the RNC-led effort to encourage, educate, and activate Republican voters to bank their votes by voting early in person or by mail.

As we enter the 2024 election year, the RNC now has state-specific pages with resources for all 50 states. We have political and election integrity staff in 15 states. We have state teams partnering with Republican leaders across the country. We have resources available in 16 different languages so every Republican has the tools they need to bank their votes. And we are just getting started.

  • To read the full article from Fox News on Bank Your Vote phase two, click here.
  • To check out the press release for more information, click here.
  • To access the full list of the RNC’s Bank Your Vote websites, click here.

Here’s the point: When Republicans vote early, we win. Go to now!

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