
VIDEO: Kirsten Engel Said She Supports Defunding The Police

The race for Congress in Arizona’s Sixth District just changed in a big way. New video has come to light in which Democrat Kirsten Engel said she supports defunding the police.

Asked during a debate if she wanted to “defund the police” and would “support a reduction in police budgets,” Engel said “Yeah… I agree with it.” Engel added, “What we need to do is shift where the money is going.” 

WATCH: Democrat Kirsten Engel says she wants to defund the police

Engel worked to stop millions of dollars in new law enforcement funding while she was a state legislator. Engel also “opposed greater funding for more vigorous border enforcement.” Engel has also touted endorsements from at least four Defund the Police groups.

“These revelations about Kirsten Engel’s support for defunding the police are a shockwave in the race for Arizona’s Sixth Congressional District. Southern Arizonans have a stark choice — they can elect Juan Ciscomani, a friend to public safety and law enforcement, or extreme Democrat Kirsten Engel, who supports defunding the police at a time when violent crime is skyrocketing.” – RNC Spokesperson Ben Petersen

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