Press Release

ICYMI - Chairwoman McDaniel To Fox News: What You Are Seeing Is An Unchecked Democrat Party

Chairwoman McDaniel: What You Are Seeing Is An Unchecked Democrat Party

DOOCY: What do you make of what’s happened?

CHAIRWOMAN MCDANIEL: I said this yesterday, absolute power corrupts absolutely. What you have right now is unchecked Democrat Party. I think most Americans right now are horrified. If this can happen to a former President of the United States, what can they do to an average American, especially with these 87,000 new IRS agents that they are unleashing on the American public? But this is unprecedented. It's deeply concerning. And to see this being done through the Presidential Archives Act is such an overreach. And, it's just a long history of what this government's done to Donald Trump. Remember, they took a FISA warrant out to spy on his campaign and now were watching the FBI raid the former President's home.

JONES: I guess the question is, Ronna, what are you guys going to do? Because it seems like the mission right now is to stop your candidate from running. He is the number one on your ticket right now. So, if this is the overall goal, what will be the response from the Party?

CHAIRWOMAN MCDANIEL: Well, the first thing we have to do, Lawrence, is win it back in 2022. We have to win back the House. You saw Kevin McCarthy’s very strong statement yesterday. And we have to take the reins of power back. The only way we can stop them is by winning back the House and the Senate. We are four seats on the House, one seat away from the Senate. I will say this, the Democrats have had a huge fundraising advantage on the Senate candidates. So, anybody listening, you have got to engage in a campaign. You’ve got to help donate to people like J.D. Vance and Herschel Walker and Adam Laxalt and Mehmet Oz and candidates across the country that are going to need our help so we can get to the finish line and finally put checks on this power. President Trump is right when he compared this to Watergate. This is the government using an agency to spy on a potential opponent's campaign. And this is truly frightening. It is not what our democracy stands for.


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