Press Release

RNC and Partners Fight Against Illegal Drop Boxes in Wisconsin

The RNC, RPW, and RITE PAC have filed an amicus brief in Wisconsin to uphold the law – and legal precedent – which bans the use of ballot drop boxes in the Badger State. The Democrats are attempting to implement last minute changes which will undermine election security. RNC Chairman Michael Whatley released this statement:

“The rule of law should not be undermined by Democrats attempting to overrule a case which was decided just two years ago. Wisconsinites deserve a fair and secure election, not a rushed effort to throw out precedent and implement a system susceptible to dishonesty and fraud. The RNC and our partners are stepping up to protect voter confidence in Wisconsin.”


  • Less than two years ago, the Wisconsin Supreme Court held that absentee ballot drop boxes are not authorized in Wisconsin.
  • Despite this, Democrats are asking the new majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court to overturn this decision; the court has unnecessarily put this case on the fast track.
  • The RNC, RPW, and RITE PAC have filed this amicus brief urging the court to uphold their original ruling. Not only was it based on the correct interpretation of the law, but authorizing drop boxes – when the Wisconsin Legislature has not – would violate the US Constitution, which gives election regulation authority to the state legislature.
  • A last-minute decision to authorize drop boxes just months from Election Day would cause chaos as there is no time for fair and responsible implementation. This will set the stage for decreased confidence and jeopardizes a fair and secure election.

Read the full brief HERE.


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