Press Release

RNC Defends Election Integrity in Wisconsin Primary

WASHINGTON –  President Trump’s election integrity team at the RNC is operating full steam ahead in the primaries of all battleground states. Partnered alongside grassroots coalitions and state parties, we are on the ground recruiting and training thousands of volunteers and responding to ballot integrity issues reported to our statewide hotlines. This operation is ensuring that problems at the polls are mitigated in real time. These efforts in the primary not only make sure every vote is counted fairly, but also serve as a pilot for the general election, ensuring our systems in place are seamless, rapid, and effective.  

For example, during Wisconsin’s presidential primary in April, we shut down an illegal vote bribing scheme. Leftist groups were bribing Green Bay voters with beer and cash – a felony in Wisconsin. Our election integrity team of observers and lawyers were ready to respond, and immediately contacted the District Attorney and had the event shut down.  

For Tuesday’s general election primary:  

  • We had nearly 3,000 poll watching shifts manned in election centers
  • Nominated over 5,500 poll workers statewide
  • Resolved 28 observer access issues – 26 at polling sites and 2 at the tabulation center
  • Observers identified and addressed 8 tabulator jams and other machine issues.
  • Because we had poll observers stationed at critical areas around the state, our election integrity hotline was alerted to ballot shortages at 9 voting locations. RNC staff and attorneys immediately contacted the appropriate clerks to ensure more ballots were delivered. The Wisconsin Election Integrity team resolved problems in real time and helped ensure voters could cast their ballots.
  • We resolved all 125 election issues called into our rapid response hotline. Our operation is unmatched and unprecedented.  

Our ground game operation in Wisconsin goes hand in hand with our election integrity litigation. When we discovered the City of Appleton was not hiring Republican poll workers to assist in nursing homes, we sued – and within one week the city agreed to hire Republicans and follow the law. We fought for and secured poll watcher access in Green Bay and Milwaukee, a critical component of election transparency. We won the case against WEC guidance that was illegally allowing voters, who already cast a mail ballot, to take back their ballot and revote. We continue to fight for poll worker parity in Milwaukee. We led efforts to support two constitutional amendments to outlaw ZuckBucks – Democrat dark money – in Wisconsin, both of which passed. And we immediately challenge any regulation that reduces transparency, fairness, legality, or accuracy of elections. These are just a few of our efforts statewide to uphold the integrity of Wisconsin’s elections. 

Leading up to the election, we are fighting every legal battle to ensure the problems in the election system are fixed. When the election gets here, our team is fully prepared to be on the ground, in the room, and ready to protect the vote. We have done that in the primaries, and we will do that again in the general election – in full force. This is the fight for the integrity of our elections, and the fight for our country – to join our efforts, sign up at  

ICYMI Charlie Kirk on X: 

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