Press Release

RNC Demands Action in Pennsylvania After Ballots Sent Out Before Required Testing

WASHINGTON - The RNC sent a letter to Montgomery County, PA, calling out its clear violation of both the law and election guidance by distributing ballots to voters before the required comprehensive testing of its voting equipment. All ballots, machines, and systems must be tested after appropriate notice – before ballots go out – to ensure ballots are cast and counted properly.  

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley stated: “Pennsylvania voters deserve to know why these ballots were distributed without testing and be assured Montgomery County is counting them properly. This is an unacceptable breach of election integrity, and all legal options are on the table.” 

By distributing ballots prior to conducting this comprehensive testing, Montgomery County risks providing voters with ballots that will not be counted correctly by the county’s tabulators—all so the Chair of the Montgomery County Board of Elections could claim to be the first voter in the Commonwealth.  


  • This week, Montgomery County, PA distributed absentee and mail ballots, which were not tested in accordance with the law or election guidance. Without testing, no one can confirm these ballots were formatted and printed properly.
  • Logic and accuracy testing is required by law. Additionally, the Secretary of State’s March 7, 2024 Directive noted counties “must conduct pre-election logic and accuracy testing.” It defines such testing as “a series of pre-election steps intended to ensure that ballots, scanners, ballot-marking devices, and all components of a county’s certified voting system are properly configured and in good working order prior to being used in an election."
  • To protect the voters and ensure these ballots are not compromised, we have demanded that election officials immediately cease the distribution of all mail and absentee ballots until mandatory testing is completed, and separate the ballots already distributed to voters in order to hand count them for the election to verify there are no issues.
  • This is a practical solution to Montgomery County’s violation, which will ensure that all ballots are counted properly.
  • It is inexcusable for Montgomery County to violate the law and jeopardize Pennsylvania’s elections. If the county does not comply with our demands, we will pursue legal action.  

Read the letter HERE.

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