Press Release

RNC Demands Answers on Non-Citizen Ballot in Minnesota

WASHINGTON – As first reported in Breitbartthe RNC and MN GOP have discovered that a non-citizen, legally residing in the U.S., received a primary ballot in Minnesota. This is an alarming failure in Minnesota’s election system, potentially not an isolated incident, and a predictable result of poor verification systems. The RNC and MN GOP are demanding answers, citizenship verification prior to registering to vote, and an immediate review of the voter rolls.  

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley stated: “Minnesotans deserve full confidence that their elections are secure and non-citizens have no vote in the future of our country. We will take every step necessary to ensure that the failures in the system are brought to light and immediately resolved. Non-citizen voting is illegal across America, and that must be enforced at every turn."


  • The individual received a primary ballot without registering to vote or requesting a ballot and brought the situation to our attention. The individual does not know how the ballot was sent and is concerned it may affect residence or future citizenship eligibility. 
  • Failures in the system not only imperil law-abiding non-citizens, but also open the system to potential fraud and cancelation of American votes.  
  • Minnesota has no adequate citizenship verification procedures in place. As a result, this incident indicates that this could be a widespread issue in Minnesota, that the state system failed, or that election staff is negligent.  
  • We have demanded information on processes to ensure only citizens can register to vote, an immediate review of the voter rolls to ensure only eligible citizens are registered and receive ballots, and a full investigation and immediate remedy.  
  • Democrats continue to insist that non-citizen voting is not a problem, all while allowing non-citizens to vote in certain instances and refusing to fix failing systems in Democrat-run states. 
  • Additionally, Radical Governor Walz signed the bill into law to give illegal aliens drivers licenses. Given Minnesota’s lax citizenship verification processes, what confidence can we have that none of these individuals were able to register to vote? 
  • We are committed to ensuring Americans decide American elections.

Read the letter HERE.

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