Press Release

RNC Fights Kamala's Attack on Georgia's Election Integrity

WASHINGTON – Today, the RNC filed to defend the recently passed Georgia State Election Board rules from the Democratic National Committee's litigation attacks. Supported by the Kamala Campaign, they are set on dismantling these important election safeguards, sowing distrust in Georgia's elections, and hampering Georgia's efforts to secure the election after its long history of chaos.

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley stated: "Democrats have once again shown that they will stop at nothing to eliminate basic safeguards against cheating and fraud in our country's most important election. Georgia’s State Election Board passed commonsense rules to ensure that election results are true and accurate, and Kamala is set on tearing them down in her latest attempt in a long line of legal actions designed to keep President Trump off the ballot and out of the White House. While Democrats continue to put America – and our democratic process – last, Republicans are committed to fair and secure elections." 


  • Recently, the Georgia State Election Board passed major election security measures to protect Georgia's elections from interference and fraud.
  • The Board has officially allowed county election boards to conduct a reasonable inquiry to ensure that election results are true and accurate before certifying them. This rule clarifies that Boards have the authority to investigate potential fraud and do not just have to sign off on results without investigating their truth and accuracy.
  • This is a basic, commonsense safeguard to protect Georgia's elections from mistakes and fraud.
  • Democrats and those opposed to these rules are dangerous operatives set on undermining our elections and maintaining weak, insecure systems.
  • Another new rule, which the RNC submitted official comments to support, requires the number of ballots to match the number of voters. This is a simple concept - if there are more ballots than voters, that is clear evidence of fraud.
  • More background can be found here.  

Read the filing HERE.

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