Press Release

RNC Protects the Vote in Florida Primary

WASHINGTON –  President Trump’s Election Integrity operation at the RNC was mobilized for the Florida primary, providing rapid response to fix election issues and ensuring votes were counted fairly and accurately. The Protect the Vote program is on the ground in the primaries of all battleground states, with dedicated Election Integrity staff, in-state counsel, and thousands of volunteers for the election. Issues are reported by poll watchers to our statewide hotline where republican lawyers provide rapid response to resolve issues in real time.  


For Tuesday’s Florida primary:   

  • Poll watchers were deployed in over 3,000 shifts at precincts across the state, covering the entire period from the beginning of early voting until the primary.
  • RNC resolved over 750 issues and questions escalated to the Florida Election Integrity hotline for early voting and primary election day.
  • When poll watchers sounded the alarm that five precincts failed to open on time, RNC staff and attorneys contacted election supervisors to open these sites as quickly as possible.
  • Poll watchers identified an issue in Broward County with the poll book software user interface that caused voter confusion. The issue was quickly resolved with the County Supervisor of Elections and avoided any further issues.   

These successful election pilot runs will be amplified for the general election. The primary operations have proven that our election day efforts are rapid and effective, and ready to Protect the Vote in November.  


This election cycle, we have engaged in litigation to defend Florida’s wet signature requirement on voter registration applications. This is an important safeguard to ensure ballots are cast and counted properly. Additionally, we won a major victory in defending Florida’s SB 90 which includes critical election integrity measures. These efforts and over 100 lawsuits nationwide are securing the election.  


For the general election, we will be on the ground again to Protect the Vote and ensure our election is legal, transparent, and accurate. To join President Trump’s fight for our country, sign up at  


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