Press Release

RNC Statement on Biden and Democrats' Tax Hike Celebration

WASHINGTON – Today, Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel released the following statement on Biden and Democrats’ Tax Hike Celebration:

“Biden and Democrats throwing themselves a party for raising taxes on families during a recession proves just how out-of-touch they are. After ramming through the Bidenflation Scam bill under the guise of reducing inflation it is clear Democrats don’t care about lying to the American people, they only care about power. This November, voters will be the ones celebrating when Democrats are voted out.”


  • Joe Biden repeatedly promised that middle-class Americans would not “pay a penny more in taxes ” under his administration. This bill does just that.
  • According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Biden Tax Hikes will raise taxes on Americans making as little as $20,000/year .
  • The Bidenflation Scam’s $7,500 electric vehicle tax credit amounts to nothing more than a giveaway  to the wealthy, subsidized by lower- and middle-income Americans.
  • The Bidenflation Scam includes $80 billion for 87,000 new IRS agents at an agency that has a history of auditing Americans earning $25,000/year at five times the rate  of other income groups.

Read more here from RNC Research.

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