Press Release

RNC Statement on Biden's Divisive Rhetoric, Philadelphia Speech

Wretched and Divisive: Republicans Slam Biden's Hostility Toward Millions of Americans. 

WASHINGTON -Today, Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel released the following statement ahead of Joe Biden's divisive remarks and upcoming speech in Philadelphia:
"Joe Biden's wretched attacks on millions of Americans have fueled attacks on pregnancy centers, Republican offices, and an assassination attempt on a Supreme Court Justice. His agenda has pitted neighbors against each other, rewarded the wealthy while punishing working families, and trampled on the rights and freedoms of Americans. Joe Biden is the divider-in-chief and epitomizes the current state of the Democrat Party: one of divisiveness, disgust, and hostility towards half the country."
Entering office, Biden promised a presidency of "unity." Since then, Biden has used the office to label those who didn't go along with his agenda as dangerous, semi-fascist, and  reinstating a “Jim Crow era.” 
Americans feel like the nation is on the wrong track with Joe Biden and congressional Democrats in power. The RealClearPolitics poll average found 70% of Americans say America is on the wrong track.
The RNC released "Democrats: Extreme, Dangerous, Unhinged" earlier this month exposing Biden Democrats' dangerous rhetoric.

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