Press Release

RNC Sues North Carolina State Board of Elections

WASHINGTON – Today, the RNC and NCGOP sued the North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE) for ignoring the law and failing to clean up the voter rolls. The law requires the NCSBE to check jury questionnaire responses to identify and remove non-citizens from the voter rolls, but the NCSBE has deliberately declined to enforce the law before this November’s presidential election. 

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley stated: “Only Americans should vote in American elections. If someone claims non-citizenship, they must be taken off the voter rolls – that's the law. The NCSBE has chosen to blatantly ignore the law, undermine basic election safeguards, and neglect a fundamental principle of our election integrity. The RNC and NCGOP defended this law in court, and now we will make sure the NCSBE follows and enforces these critical safeguards in The Old North State.” 


  • Last year, the North Carolina legislature passed SB747, a major election integrity law. It includes a requirement for election officials to maintain the voter rolls by using jury questionnaire responses. When people claim non-citizenship on the jury questionnaire, they must be investigated and potentially removed from the voter rolls.
  • We successfully defended this law in court. Despite going into effect on July 1st, the NCSBE has made zero effort to implement the law before the November election.
  • The NCSBE is allowing people who swear on a government document that they are not citizens to stay on the voter rolls and allow them to cast ballots in the presidential election.
  • This deliberate failure to enforce the law and allow potential non-citizen voting is inexcusable. We have filed this lawsuit to force the NCSBE to immediately clean the voter rolls and prevent non-citizens from voting in November.  
  • This comes right on the heels of a major victory in SCOTUS to stop non-citizen voting in Arizona!

Read the filing HERE.

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