Press Release

SCOTUS Halts Non-Citizen Voting in Major Win for President Trump's Election Integrity Effort

WASHINGTON – President Trump’s election integrity team at the RNC is stopping non-citizen voting. In a critical win for the American people, the Supreme Court of the United States has now allowed Arizona to enforce its documentary proof of citizenship requirement for voters who register to vote using the state form. 

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley stated: “This is a major victory for election integrity that upholds a simple principle: American elections must be decided by American citizens. While Democrats have worked to undermine basic election safeguards and make it easier for non-citizens to vote, we have fought tooth and nail to preserve citizenship requirements, see the law enforced, and secure our elections. The Supreme Court has sided with the RNC, and the American people, to protect the vote in November.”


  • Arizona passed important election security legislation to require proof of citizenship to vote. In a federal lawsuit challenging these provisions, the RNC successfully defended several aspects of the law, but the court struck down a requirement that election officials reject state voter registration applications without documentary proof of citizenship as well as proof of citizenship requirements to vote by mail or in presidential elections.
  • It is illegal for non-citizens to vote, and states must be allowed to enforce the law. We filed an emergency application in the Supreme Court to allow Arizona to enforce its proof of citizenship laws. The Democratic Attorney General and Secretary of State of Arizona refused to take action to enforce the law, so the RNC and Arizona Legislature petitioned the US Supreme Court to get the law enforced before November.
  • This was supported by 24 state Attorneys General, who backed our filing in SCOTUS with an amicus brief.
  • In a major ruling, the Supreme Court ruled that Arizona may enforce its law requiring election officials to reject state voter registration applications without documentary proof of citizenship. This is a commonsense and vitally important election safeguard to protect the vote.
  • Our appeal in the Ninth Circuit is still pending. We are confident that documentary proof of citizenship requirements in presidential elections and vote by mail will eventually be upheld.
  • Non-citizen voting is a major threat to our election security. Kamala’s open border, failed election systems nationwide, and the Democrats’ unwillingness to try to prevent non-citizen voting has left our elections vulnerable to illegal voting.
  • The corrupt leaders driving non-citizen voting are anti-American, leftist radicals set on stopping President Trump and his America First policies. They want open borders and open elections, because they are counting on illegal votes.
  • President Trump’s Election Integrity team is stopping non-citizen voting and securing the election. This win in the Supreme Court upholds what the overwhelming majority of Americans support – that Americans decide the future of our country.  

Read the SCOTUS decision HERE.

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