Press Release

Trump Campaign and RNC Sue Nevada Over Non-Citizen Voting

WASHINGTON – The Trump Campaign, RNC, and NVGOP sued Nevada Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar for illegally allowing non-citizens to register to vote and influence our elections. 

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley stated: "Allowing non-citizens to vote suppresses legal voters, undermines the democratic system, and violates the law. Democrats continue to put non-citizens first and Americans last as they allow non-citizens to vote and interfere in American elections. We have filed suit in Nevada to protect the vote and stop this Democrat election interference scheme.”

NVGOP Chairman Michael McDonald stated: "Nevada’s elections should be a reflection of its citizens’ voices, not influenced by non-citizens who have no legal standing to participate. Any efforts to allow non-citizens to vote threatens the very foundation of our elections and diminishes the power of lawful voters across our state. This isn't just a legal issue—it’s about protecting the rights of Nevadans and preserving the integrity of our elections."


  • We have discovered evidence of thousands of non-citizens on Nevada's voter rolls who may be able to cast ballots this November.
  • Data from the 2020 general election reveals that 6,360 individuals listed in the DMV’s non-citizen file were also registered to vote, and 3,987 of these individuals cast a ballot in the 2020 election.
  • Non-citizen voting remains a problem in Nevada. Data reveals there are likely more than 11,000 non-citizens registered to vote in the state, and it is estimated that more than 3,700 non-citizens could cast a ballot in the 2024 presidential election.
  • Non-citizens on Nevada’s voter rolls is a direct result of the state’s lack of citizenship verification procedures. Basic safeguards, such as checking DMV records and federal databases, would prevent most non-citizen voter registration, and it is the Secretary of State's responsibility to prevent non-citizens from registering to vote and influencing our elections.
  • Non-citizen voting cancels the votes of Americans, dilutes citizens' voting power, and is a fundamental violation of the constitutional right to vote.
  • Nevada must take immediate action to verify the citizenship of registered voters and prevent non-citizens from voting in the 2024 presidential election. 

Read the filing HERE.

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