rapid response

38th Month of Biden's Border Invasion
Jake - Schneider

Biden is still responsible for the worst border crisis on record — and it’s not even close.

New data shows 179,725 illegal immigrants were encountered at the southern border in April — the 38th straight month where monthly encounters have been HIGHER than even the highest month under President Trump and a 272 percent increase from the average month of the Trump administration.

Since Biden took office, 9.6+ million illegal aliens have crossed the southern border, including 1.8+ million known “gotaways” who escaped past Border Patrol and into the country.

Biden is aiding and abetting an invasion with no end in sight. His unprecedented border crisis took hold after he took 94 executive actions in his first 100 days to systematically dismantle border security.

Now, Biden is allegedly floating executive action to allow 4,000 illegal border crossings per day before shutting down the border — an election year ploy on which Biden has waffled for months.

Last month, approximately 6,000 illegal aliens crossed the border every single day. For context, former Obama-Biden DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson once said 1,000 illegal crossings per day “overwhelms the system. I cannot begin to imagine what 4,000 a day looks like.”

It’s simply an attempt to gaslight a new normal into the minds of Americans fed up with the dire consequences of the Biden-led bloodbath.

But Americans don’t have to “imagine” under Biden — it’s their everyday reality.

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