rapid response

About Last Night's Spectacle
Jake - Schneider

Biden’s primetime address last night — hours after a special counsel determined he did, in fact, “willfully” retain and disclose classified documents — was a truly disastrous moment in American politics.

It was angry, incoherent, and filled with lies — here are the most egregious:

  • CLAIM: “I’ve seen the headlines … about my ‘willful retention’ of documents. These assertions are not only misleading, they’re just plain wrong.”
  • FACT: “Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials,” including classified documents “implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods” (p. 1).
  • CLAIM: “I did not share classified information … with my ghostwriter.”
  • FACT: “Biden shared information, including some classified information … with his ghostwriter” (p. 3).
  • CLAIM: “None of it was high classified!”
  • FACT: “These documents … have classification markings up to the Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information level” (p. 3).
  • CLAIM: “My memory is fine.”
  • FACT: Biden exhibited “diminished faculties” (p. 242) and “significant limitations” (p. 207) in his interview with the special counsel, during which Biden “did not remember when he was vice president” or “when his son Beau died” (p. 208).
  • CLAIM: “The fact is [the special counsel] made a firm conclusion — I did not break the law. Period.”
  • FACT: The special counsel found “technical elements of a crime,” but decided against bringing charges due to “soft factors,” according to a legal analyst — such as being an “elderly man with a poor memory” (p. 219).

Of course, Biden is a chronic liar and always has been — but last night’s spectacle only added to the questions over his declining mental stamina.

He’s not playing with a full deck, folks.

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