rapid response

All about the "brand," baby
Jake - Schneider

Biden repeatedly lied when he said he “never” spoke to Hunter about his foreign business dealings — such was the takeaway from the testimony of Devon Archer, former business partner and best friend to Hunter Biden.

Archer’s closed-door congressional testimony exposed new depths to the Biden corruption scandal.

After months of insisting Biden “never discussed” his son’s foreign business deals, then shifting to Biden never having been “in business with his son,” Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman confirmed Biden did, in fact, speak to Hunter’s business associates — almost two dozen times — in an effort to sell “the brand.”

Incredibly, Democrats insist they were just discussing the weather.

Archer’s testimony also confirmed then-VP Biden did meet in 2014 with Russian billionaire Elena Baturina — the widow of the former mayor of Moscow — at a Georgetown café. Coincidentally, Baturina was left off Biden’s Russia sanctions last year.

The list of nefarious activities goes on and on.

This is evidence of a corrupt pay-for-play scandal of the highest order — with the “Big Guy” right in the middle.

The Bidens are stone cold corrupt.


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