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An Email Corroboration Of Whistleblower's Allegations

There are more concerning revelations about the investigation into Hunter Biden with each passing day.

Now, a newly reported internal IRS email corroborates the whistleblower’s allegations of interference in the Hunter Biden investigation. As described by The Washington Free Beacon:

“Whistleblower Gary Shapley's boss confirmed Shapley's account of a key meeting that occurred on October 7, 2022, between IRS agents and DOJ prosecutors handling the Biden probe. After the meeting, Shapley wrote to his boss, Darrell Waldon, that U.S. attorney David Weiss indicated he was prohibited from bringing charges against Biden in Washington, D.C. Weiss said that he requested special counsel status but that Justice Department headquarters had denied that request… Waldon, who attended the meeting with Shapley, signed off on his subordinate's characterization of the meeting. ‘Thanks, Gary. You covered it all,’ Waldon wrote.”

This email, along with the whistleblower’s allegations, contradicts claims from Biden and his administration that they did not interfere.

Did Biden’s DOJ interfere? If so, who directed the interference? How involved is Joe Biden?

The American people deserve answers.

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