rapid response

Biden Invited Chaos — And Chaos Is What We Got
Jake - Schneider

Crooked Joe Biden’s presidency has been defined by chaos and weakness.

Biden has instigated chaos around the world with his feckless policies and brazen arrogance.

Now, the chickens are coming home to roost as antisemitic riots take over college campuses across the country.

Biden has shown the world he is unwilling to cross the antisemitic protesters who make up a substantial bloc of his voting base.

This is the kind of hatred Biden has yet to personally, unequivocally condemn:

  • Far-left protesters at the University of Washington are telling Jewish students to “go back to the gas chambers.”
  • Antisemitic rioters at Columbia University took over an academic building and held three facilities workers hostage.
  • Anti-Israel protesters at Cal Poly Humboldt vandalized multiple campus buildings, branding one academic hall as “Intifada Hall.”
  • Leftist protesters at the University of Minnesota forced classes to be moved as they lobbed antisemitic chants at passersby.

As a direct result, Jewish students are being targeted, assaulted, and advised to leave campus for their own safety — simply for being Jewish.

And it’s all happening on Biden’s watch.

This is Crooked Joe Biden’s America — and only President Trump can stop it.

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