rapid response

Biden is compromised
Jake - Schneider

Yesterday, after months of FBI stonewalling, Republican Senator Chuck Grassley publicly released an FBI-generated document alleging a $10 million bribery scheme involving Joe and Hunter Biden.

And, as the document alleges, there are as many as 17 recordings implicating the Bidens in the unprecedented scandal.

According to the document — known as an FD-1023 or “confidential human source report” — the Bidens “coerced” the founder of the Ukrainian oil company Burisma into paying them millions. In exchange for the cash, then-VP Biden used his influence to get rid of the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma’s corruption. Biden later bragged about threatening to withhold aid from Ukraine unless the prosecutor was fired.

At the time, Hunter Biden was earning $83,000/MONTH serving on Burisma’s board — despite having exactly zero qualifications — “to protect [Burisma], through his dad, from all kinds of problems,” according to the document.

Then, after Biden left office in 2017, it was buried.

Show us the tapes.

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