rapid response

Biden Sees Dead People
Jake - Schneider

Biden is a broken shell of a man.

As questions continue to swirl around Biden’s diminishing cognitive ability, one recent trend is particularly concerning: increasing confusion around his past.

Here are nine instances — since Biden took office — in which he thought he had a conversation with a dead or non-existent person:

  • FEBRUARY 2024: Biden claimed he met with “Mitterrand from Germany” during his first foreign trip as president in 2021. Mitterrand was the president of France between 1981 and 1995, and he died in 1996.
  • FEBRUARY 2024: Biden, at two separate closed-door fundraisers, claimed he spoke with former German chancellor Helmut Kohl during his first foreign trip as president in 2021. Kohl, who was the chancellor of Germany between 1982 and 1998, died in 2017.
  • JANUARY 2024: Biden claimed he took a photo with Rep. Deborah Ross, who was not at the event: “Where’s Deborah? I just had my picture taken with her…” She was in D.C. at the time.
  • NOVEMBER 2023: Biden talked about a conversation he had with “Deng Xiaoping in the Himalayas” when he was VP. Xiaoping died in 1997.
  • OFTEN: Biden has repeatedly told a fake story about an Amtrak conductor who congratulated him — “seven years into” his vice presidency — for traveling millions of miles on Amtrak. The conductor retired in 1993 and died in 2014, making it impossible.
  • JUNE 2023: Biden wrapped up a speech with, “God save the Queen, man.” Queen Elizabeth II had died almost a year before Biden made the comment.
  • DECEMBER 2022: Biden claimed that after he became VP, he awarded his Uncle Frank a Purple Heart he earned at the Battle of the Bulge. There is no evidence any of that is true — Biden's uncle died in 1999, while Biden wasn't elected VP until 2008.
  • OCTOBER 2022: Biden claimed he once “spoke” to the inventor of insulin — who died before Biden was born.
  • SEPTEMBER 2022: Biden asked if deceased Rep. Jackie Walorski — who had passed away in a tragic car accident just a month earlier — was in the audience: “Jackie, are you here? Where’s Jackie?”

This is a relatively new trend. Of course, it is well documented that Biden routinely forgets names — including his cabinet secretaries, world leaders, former presidents, and celebrities — thinks Kamala Harris is “president,” confuses policy, makes up stories that never happened, and gets lost leaving stages.

But substituting deceased and non-existent people into his decades-old stories — and not remembering with whom he just met — is relatively new for Biden.

And it’s only going to get worse.

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