rapid response

Biden to Illegal Aliens: Here's a Free Flight
Jake - Schneider

Biden’s border crisis is so much worse than we knew — and we knew it was bad.

Since 2022, the Biden administration has ferried at least 320,000 illegal immigrants on private flights directly into the United States, according to a new report.

These taxpayer-funded secret transfers were made possible by Biden’s use of the CBP One app as part of his unilateral “parole” scheme. After applying on the app, the unvetted illegal allies were then funneled from foreign countries through one of 43 U.S. airports — though the administration refuses to say which ones.

These illegal aliens had no legal right to enter the country — but Biden doesn’t care. Since taking office, a record 9+ million illegal immigrants, including 1.8+ million known “gotaways,” have crossed the border — and most intend to stay. In fact, an estimated 96 percent of illegal aliens who claim asylum via the CBP One app have been “paroled” into the country to await court dates years from now.

Meanwhile, thousands of illegal immigrants continue to pour across the southern border every single day.

Biden has all the authority he needs to crack down on illegal immigration and end the border crisis he created. He just won’t do it.

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