rapid response

Bidenflation is defunding the police, taxing seniors

Bidenflation is defunding the police and taxing American seniors.

That’s right. Surging inflation and record gas prices are leaving police budgets depleted and seniors on a fixed income scrambling.

Because of the #BidenGasHike, police departments have “blown through their fuel budget[s].” As reported by CNN: “You’re starting to see local police departments and first responders trying to figure out how they’re going to pay for the higher gas prices. Several different police departments…are going to have to decide what calls they’re going to get in the patrol car and go to because of the high cost of gasoline.”

Seniors on a fixed income are also struggling. #Bidenflation has destroyed savings, as many seniors are forced to resort to food banks as bills remain unpaid.

Defunding the police and taxing Americans who can least afford it – that’s the impact of Biden’s policies. Come November, Americans will send a clear message that they’ve had enough.

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