rapid response

Biden's bankrupt student loan bailout

First, it was tax credits for luxury electric cars … now a loan bailout … Biden is determined to force working class Americans to pay for handouts to the rich.

Even liberal economists say canceling student loan debt would be a regressive, inflationary bailout for wealthy Americans:

  • Former Obama economic advisor Larry Summers: Student debt cancellation is “highly problematic,” “highly regressive” and likely to contribute to “inflation pressures.”
  • Former top Obama economic advisor Jason Furman: “The perpetual deferral of interest on student loans is just about the worst policy. It is costly, unjustified, and has added to inflation.”
  • Brookings Institution Senior Fellow Adam Looney: Student loan cancellation would be the equivalent of “a tax cut for high-income, college-educated households.”

Indeed, according to the Penn Wharton Budget Model, Biden’s student loan bailout would cost $300 billion in 2022 alone, and up to 73% of the benefits would go to households in the top 60% of earners. And who pays for Biden’s bailout of rich Americans who went to college? Working and middle class Americans who didn’t.


Biden said he would put workers first. That’s yet another broken promise.

For more, check out this piece from RNC Research.

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