rapid response

Biden's budget slap in the face

Biden’s budget is a slap in the face to middle class families.

As gas prices surge under the Biden gas hike, his budget attacks American energy. As inflation surges, his budget adds “$1.3 trillion in red ink.” As our adversaries our emboldened, he delivers a real cut to defense spending. As he pushes for radical new spending proposals, his advisors gaslight with budget deficit “demagoguery.” And as middle class families struggle to afford food and gas, he emphasizes a far-left special interest-driven woke agenda.

And on top of all that, his budget projections have no actual bearing on reality. Experts say it “dishonestly excludes trillions in proposed costs,” with many of Biden’s spending priorities not included and much of the spending not scored.  Even Biden’s own economic advisors admit their projections are bogus.

Bogus projections, far-left spending … and this from an administration that has been wrong about inflation from day one. That truly is a slap in the face to every American.

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