rapid response

Biden's Budget: TAX, SPEND, REPEAT
Jake - Schneider

Biden’s $7.3 trillion tax-and-spending proposal for 2025 is out, and it’s just as you’d expect — a far-left “wishlist” defined by massive spending increases and tax hikes on Americans.

The gimmicks are a desperate attempt to buy votes ahead of an election that will be a referendum on Biden’s failed economy.

Biden wants to “finish the job” of destroying the country:

Biden is repeating promises he has already broken. Biden has repeatedly promised Americans earning less than $400,000/year won’t “pay an additional penny in federal taxes,” but he has already raised the tax burden on Americans earning as little as $20,000/year. Biden promised deficit reduction, but his inflationary policies have already added $6 trillion to the $34+ trillion national debt and are fueling big, long-term deficits.

House Republicans have already unveiled a ten-year balanced budget that reverses Biden’s runaway spending, weeds out fraud and abuse, and fuels prosperity for Americans.

There’s a reason a majority of Americans say Biden’s policies will make things even more expensive — and trust President Trump to bring prices down.

Americans will be prosperous again under President Trump.

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