rapid response

Biden's CDC Asks A Union Boss: "What Does The Science Say?"

The Biden administration claims they want to follow “what the science says.” Turns out by “science” they mean union bosses and the American Federation of Teachers.

Shot: Jill Biden, PhD refused to call on teachers unions to allow schools to reopen in the Fall, saying “it depends” and claiming they will follow the CDC. Later, White House Advisor Anita Dunn echoed Jill Biden, refusing to call on teachers unions to let schools reopen in the Fall.

Chaser: Union Boss Randi Weingarten admitted Biden’s CDC asked them for and adopted language on school reopening VERBATIM: “They asked us for language and we gave them language.”

Meanwhile, millions of students did not re-enter schools full-time this past school year even though the science showed they could. Indeed, Biden’s Treasury Secretary, his Energy Secretary, his Labor Secretary, and his Commerce Secretary all conceded that Biden has failed to live up to his promise to reopen schools.

It appears Weingarten’s campaigning for and donations to Biden paid off. If only American families had that much power over the Biden administration, but alas, they don’t.

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