rapid response

Biden's House of Cards
Jake - Schneider

“Can you ring your dad?”

New reporting from the New York Post reveals Hunter Biden — in the presence of his foreign business associates — put then-Vice President Joe Biden on speakerphone during business meetings on at least two dozen occasions, according to expected congressional testimony from Devon Archer, Hunter’s former business partner and best friend.

Archer is also expected to testify about “shady” dinners organized by Hunter — and attended by then-VP Joe Biden — with corrupt business associates from Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan.

These revelations are the latest to fly directly in the face of Joe Biden’s repeated assertions that he never spoke to his son about his business deals — and backs up previous statements from another of Hunter’s former business partners.

Of course, Biden is a proven liar — and as the depths of the Biden family’s corruption comes into focus, one thing is increasingly obvious: Biden is compromised.

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