rapid response

Biden's Middle Class Tax Hike

The Democrats are trying to raise taxes on Americans making as little as $20,000 a year.

This is according to the Joint Committee on Taxation. But that's not the only estimate that found Biden’s scam is going to make middle class families poorer:

  • The Tax Foundation: The Bidenflation Scam would decrease “average after-tax income for taxpayers” at every income level.
  • The Heritage Foundation: Over half of the tax burden from the Bidenflation Scam would fall on Americans making less than $200,000 per year.

These taxes would hit Americans in every income group, raising the average per capita tax burden by thousands of dollars:

Democrats have repeatedly said the worst time to raise taxes is in a recession. Biden promised Americans making under $400,000 would not “pay a penny more in taxes.”

Broken promises and lies through and through. Turns out raising taxes on the middle class is so engrained in the minds of D.C. Democrats, they just can’t help themselves. The solution for the American people? Vote them out.

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