rapid response

Biden's new record price hike

Joe Biden keeps setting records … the ones no one wants him to set.

In July, producer prices spiked at the highest pace on record for the FOURTH MONTH IN A ROW according to new data from the Labor Department.

  • In April, it was 6.2% on an annual basis, the highest jump ever recorded at the time.
  • In May, it was 6.6%, the highest jump ever recorded at the time.
  • In June, it was 7.3%, the highest jump ever recorded at the time.
  • In July, it was 7.8%, the new highest jump ever recorded.



This comes the day after the Labor Department announced that the annual July increase in consumer prices tied for the fastest pace since 2008.

Prices are rising and Americans are feeling it. According to a new Fox News poll, 86% of Americans are concerned about inflation, and 79% say the government’s economic agenda is making things worse.

Instead of doubling down on his socialist schemes and reckless $3.5 trillion tax-and spending spree, Biden should listen to the American people. Americans can’t afford more rising prices.

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