rapid response

Biden's solution to inflation? More inflation

Joe Biden’s response to rising prices is the economic version of Christopher Walken on SNL demanding “more cowbell.”

Biden wants to inflate his way out of inflation with MORE wasteful inflationary spending. If that sounds like nonsense, it’s because it is. And the American people aren’t buying it.

A new American Action Network poll found that 86% of Americans are concerned about rising prices, 53% blame Biden’s boondoggles, and 75% are worried that his next $3.5 trillion wish list will only make the problem worse.

These findings are in line with a recent Monmouth poll, which found 71% of Americans are concerned that Biden’s reckless spending will increase prices, and a Harvard CAPS / Harris poll, which found a plurality of Americans blame Biden and Democrats’ massive spending spree for recent price hikes.

The solution to inflation is not more inflation. That’s a recipe for disaster, and a hidden tax on all Americans.

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