rapid response

COMING SOON: Democrat Monopoly Money

What could your money soon look like if Joe Biden gets his way? Worthless Democrat monopoly money.

Biden’s $6 trillion dollar American Bankruptcy Plan could lead to significant inflation, as the prices of everyday goods continue to skyrocket. Ultimately, these rising prices are a new hidden tax on American families.

Don’t believe me? Former Obama economic advisor Larry Summers agrees: “This is not just conjecture. The consumer price index rose at a 7.5 percent annual rate in the first quarter, and inflation expectations jumped at the fastest rate since inflation indexed bonds were introduced a generation ago. Already, consumer prices have risen almost as much as the Fed predicted for the whole year.”

Obama’s former Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers Jason Furman also raised concerns about rising prices: “This is the type of thing that’s going to start to move those inflation expectations…[Biden’s spending] is definitely too big for the moment. I don’t know any economist that was recommending something the size that what was done. The question is how big the downside was.”

Rising prices are already hitting Americans’ pocketbooks. 86% of Americans are reporting rising prices on goods as diverse as groceries, gas, dining out, and clothing, with more Black and Hispanic Americans reporting higher costs. Many Americans are already limiting their spending because of this growing burden as a result of Biden’s hidden tax.

Even liberal economists are warning that Biden’s hidden tax is already rearing its ugly head. If Biden gets his way, his hidden tax – rising prices on everyday goods – will hit American families hardest.

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