rapid response

CONFIRMED: Biden DOJ Colluded With NSBA On Letter
Jake - Schneider

We already know the Biden administration colluded with the National School Boards Association (NSBA) when they called for an investigation into parents for possible “domestic terrorism and hate crimes” just for speaking out against the left-wing ideology being pushed in public schools.

Now, a whistleblower has come forward with “explosive” new insights into the Biden administration’s targeting of those concerned parents.

According to internal e-mails released by the whistleblower, the FBI’s counterterrorism division even went so far as to create a new “threat tag” specifically to track parents being “assessed” or “investigated” by Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ).

This matches previous reporting, which confirmed the Biden administration was involved in crafting the letter. But these assertions stand in direct conflict with the Biden administration’s own words; both Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Attorney General Merrick Garland assured us that Biden’s DOJ was not, in fact, targeting parents.

How can the Biden administration square such a glaring contradiction? Why is the federal government turning counterterrorism and intelligence agencies against those who pay their salaries? And did Garland lie under oath?

Democrats want to avoid this subject entirely, presumably because of the education cartel whose far-left views permeate schools at the highest levels.

But the American people deserve answers – and Republicans won’t stop until we get them.

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