rapid response

Costs Of Kamala Harris
Jake - Schneider

Under Kamala Harris, prices across the board are way up — but that's only the beginning of the exponential increases in costs Americans would face in a Kamala presidency.

Kamala's "proposals" for a second term are conspicuously free of detail (by design, of course, to shield her Radical Left lunacy from Americans until after the election), but the devastating effects are starting to come into clearer focus.

Kamala's budget proposal includes a $4.9 trillion tax hike — the largest in history.

Kamala's plan to raise the corporate tax rate to 28% (higher than communist China) would effectively be a $1.4 trillion tax hike on Americans.

Kamala's proposed capital gains tax hike — 44.6%, or twice as high as communist China — would be the largest capital gains tax hike in more than a century.

  • The combined federal-state capital gains tax rate would exceed 50% in many states.

Kamala's so-called housing "assistance" plan would only worsen the affordability crisis by squeezing demand and causing home prices to rise even more, according to economists.

Those numbers don't even begin to include the devastating effects of Kamala's fracking ban, mass amnesty for millions of illegals, electric vehicle mandate, and other far-left policies she would attempt to ram through upon taking office.

Americans can't afford Kamala now — and they certainly can't afford her proposals.

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