rapid response

Democrat Crime Crisis
Jake - Schneider

“There is not a crime crisis in Washington, D.C.,” Democrat D.C. Council Chair Phil Mendelson said in March.

He was, of course, lying — with the latest indication coming when a Democrat congressman was carjacked at gunpoint in a D.C. neighborhood.

It’s an everyday occurrence. Carjackings in D.C. are up 109 percent, robberies are up 68 percent, theft is up 22 percent, and homicides are up by 38 percent over this time last year as the city remains on pace for its deadliest year in two decades.

Meanwhile, House Republicans successfully blocked a pro-criminal D.C. law to reduce penalties for carjackings and other violent crimes — even as 173 House Democrats backed the law.

But it’s not just the nation’s capital; crime is plaguing communities across the country.

  • Nine of the top 10 cities with the highest homicide rates are Democrat-run, according to one survey.
  • 27 of the top 30 cities with the highest murder rates are Democrat-run, according to The Heritage Foundation.
  • In 2022, at least nine cities — seven of which are Democrat-run — saw record homicides.
  • In Biden’s first year, at least 12 major U.S. cities — all Democrat-run — set new homicide records.
  • Hate crimes surged in “most” major U.S. cities — the majority of which are Democrat-run — in 2022.
  • Target is closing stores in Democrat-run San Francisco, Oakland, Portland, Pittsburgh, Seattle, and New York City amid uncontrollable theft.

Make no mistake: Biden and Democrats have enabled the pro-crime surge. Biden has failed to stand up to the “defund the police” radicals dominating his party and refused to back law enforcement when it mattered most.

It’s not hard to see why six in 10 Americans feel less safe than when Biden took office.

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