rapid response

Democrats are ignoring the science
Jake - Schneider

It’s Monday, but scores of kids in Democrat-run cities remain out of class.

For the fourth day in a row, the Chicago Teachers’ Union is refusing to show up for in-person work, joining more than 5,000 schools also experiencing a “disruption” in learning. Emboldened by Biden’s failure to “shut down the virus” as he promised, Democrats and their political allies are using rising case counts and Biden’s testing shortage as cudgels for their own self-interests.

For the better part of two years, Democrats ripped every semblance of normalcy from kids, forcing them to eat outdoors, requiring constant masking, and isolating them in the name of “science.”

But that incessant virtue signaling (which is not rooted in science) won’t be much solace for parents whose kids are falling increasingly behind:

  • “The devastating impact [of school closures] is going to be generational,” said former Chicago Public Schools CEO Paul Vallas
  • "At this point, there's really no good explanation for having remote schools,” said Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health

In February, Biden called school closures “a national emergency.”

But don’t expect Biden to get involved now; his teachers’ union bosses are calling the shots.

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