rapid response

Democrats own the education failure
Jake - Schneider

We’re still seeing the devastating consequences of Democrat-sponsored lockdowns and forced masking policies on America’s children.

Students are paying for Democrats’ obsession with control and mandates:

  • Elementary math and reading scores fell to their lowest levels in more than two decades.
    • The rapid decline was most evident among “lower-performing students.”
  • There was a significant increase in students needing to repeat an entire grade level.
  • 72 percent of public schools reported a big spike in chronic absenteeism, particularly among low-income and minority students.

So how did we get here? In Democrat-run states and cities, school lockdown orders and virtual learning requirements extended for well over a year – far longer than lockdowns in Republican areas. Even after the toll on students’ mental health became clear, Democrats refused to relent in their quest for control. In fact, 19 of the top 20 states for getting kids back for in-person learning during the 2020-2021 school year were led by Republicans; 18 of the bottom 20 states were led by Democrats.

Biden was just as useless, slow walking school re-openings for months lest he invite the wrath of his teachers’ union bosses (and major campaign funders).

Now, Democrats are shamelessly attempting to re-write history.

Americans will remember the damage they did.

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